Every once in a while we come across something that challenges and moves us in our walk of faith. Recently this happened when I watched a sermon preached by Dr. Herb Reavis from North Jacksonville Baptist Church , Jacksonville , Florida . (I have included the link below). Often, I believe, God is able to use sermons, scriptures, and music to move us in our faith that will take us out of our comfort zone. Since we are out of what we deem to be comfortable, God is then able to stretch us and make us pliable for use in His kingdom work.
We ought to be aware of God working around us, AND that He desires to use us in His plan to share the message of Jesus Christ. It’s not about us. It’s not about our feelings. It’s not about our agenda. It’s only about Him. It’s only for Him. So next time the Holy Spirit hits you with His hammer, it’s alright to say “ouch!” in response. Then make it a point to change, and not repeat the mistakes of the past.
(Sermon preached at Mud Creek Baptist Church , Hendersonville , NC )