Last week we enjoyed a wonderful week of Vacation Bible School , and now I am tired. Not tired like most of the leaders and workers, but still tired. Last week was an amazing time shared together as we experienced God’s blessings of meeting and making new friends, renewing acquaintances, and encouraging others to follow Christ. I had a great time serving as a team leader, that is, I moved a group of children from one room to another. Well more accurately, Ronnie and Ryan (shout out to you both!) moved them while I talked, took pictures, and took video. I was able to observe that we are blessed with MANY talented members here. From Bible teachers, to crafts, to recreation, to music, to snack, and then back again…we are super blessed with great workers! And all of this occurred with intense heat index that would have melted candles or fried eggs on the pavement. They were all troopers!
I just want to express my sincere and heart felt thanks and appreciation for those workers. Many people were needed and many responded…thank you each and everyone. Without you, there would be no VBS. No children’s ministry. No results to be seen. No parents. No children. So please remember that we do this to share the story of Christ with children and parents, and you are valuable to the team at PGBC. Now, get some rest, but get ready to stay active and busy in helping children know about the love of Christ.