Mary and Papaw on his new lawn mower
Mary and Nana making "silly faces" while at Pigeon Forge back in July
Below are the few words that I shared at Mom's Memorial Service last week. I wanted to share them with you...enjoy!
Have you noticed that you always want another day when leaving the beach? Another hour when leaving the colorful mountains? When leaving a joyous reunion of loved ones, you want to hear just one more story? This evening we are no different. We want just one more hug, one more kiss, one more smile, one more laugh, one more story, or one more “I love you.” Yet, deep in our hearts, we know this is not the end; rather just the beginning. A beginning of Mom’s new life in heaven. She is now awaiting our arrival in that grand and glorious kingdom. That is once she has spent time at the feet of Jesus, and then spending time with her daddy, mom, brother, sister, and others. What a sight that must be!
With that thought in mind, are you prepared for eternity? If you desire to see her again, you must be born again. You must have a relationship with Jesus Christ. What could possibly be important in your life to keep you from peace, love, forgiveness, and hope…and Mom?
When mom and I talked about this service, she adamantly wanted it to be about Christ.
In fact, at first she was opposed to this service, but once I explained to her that this was for us, she consented. By the way, if you want to hear stories of our childhood growing up, just ask one of us; beware, they are probably not short, and they will most likely evoke laughter and smiles.
Yes, tonight is a special night, but not because of Nancy Carol Fortune Lee Lilly, but because we lift high the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. Mom, we love you, and we shall see you again…farewell!