Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I believe that God is always teaching us to be “bucket fillers” in life.  Givers and not takers.  This lesson is learned at an early age and then repeated throughout his or her lifetime.  Are you a giver?  Do you seek to use others for your benefit?  Are you concerned with the bottom line?

The following link is for the story of Hattie May Wiatt and her 57 cents that helped build much needed space for Sunday School for a church outside Philadelphia, PA.

Obviously she was a giver.  She sought to give others a chance to hear about Christ and learn more about God.  We often over look small gifts, but when this is placed in the context of 1886, her small gift represent one of great sacrifice.

Whenever a penny came into her possession, she was tempted like most children, to spend it on candy or a small toy.  She could have easily misplaced it.  She could have shared it with someone else.  However, she had a purpose in mind: to help others learn about God.  She saved her precious pennies to make an impact in this world.  Because of her sacrifice, many children came to hear, learn, and know about God’s love expressed through Christ.

May we too learn about such sacrificial giving in 2012 in hopes of being bucket fillers in a world obsessed with taking.  May Christ be glorified in our giving.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Concert of Prayer

Last night I attended the Concert of Prayer for Wake County.  The ground work for this event started over a year ago with monthly prayer gatherings.  Don Rayno was instrumental in being used by God to bring this together.  He met with many pastor prayer groups to bring unity.  The last one was conducted was almost 16 years ago, and this has topped all expectations. 

When we gathered last night in the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium, there was a sense of anticipation in what God would accomplish.  Almost 2000 people were present, and over 92 churches were represented.  Across denominational lines.  Across racial lines.  Across political lines.  Across socio-economic lines.  The people of God gathered for the express purpose to seek God in moving in the church and through the church.

The first 30 minutes we worshiped God through music.  Hearing all those voices sing praises to God helped me catch a glimpse of what heaven would be like.  Then several ministers led us in prayer with a focus on oneness in the church, and confession of: pride, arrogance, prayerlessness, lack of first love, not trusting and leaning on God, selfishness, critical spirit, lack of love for the unchurched, worldliness in the church, reproach on Christ, and the need for spiritual awakening.
Then we gathered in prayer huddles in the auditorium to repeat those prayers on a more personal level.

More worship music helped us segue into the second prayer emphasis…God moving through the church.  Prayers offered to God for the church to: go and make disciples; reach our neighbors; reach our youth; reach our schools/education; reach our regions marketplace; reach our urban/inner city; reach our poor, needy, homeless; reach our local government; reach those in jails/prisons; reach our state/nation; reach the nations of the world; reach the unreached peoples.  Then once more we gathered in prayer huddles to repeat those prayers.

Near the end, Don gathered us for a 30 second silent prayer that sent chills through me.  With all those people, there was complete silence.  Amazing.

A wonderful time of prayer, worship, and fellowship.  I am certainly looking forward to God answering these prayers in a way that only He can.  To God be the glory!!

View from our seats

Monday, October 1, 2012

Starting the Journey

I’ve heard that a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.  I’ve also heard that it is most difficult to take that first step.  I wonder why?  Why do we struggle with taking that first step?  In losing weight, getting physically fit, changing careers, improving relationships, improving faith, starting a journey of faith, or altering our patterns of choice…all are difficult in taking that first step.  Even when we KNOW we ought to, it’s a challenge.  Why?

I would also suggest that the disciples also struggled with taking that first step, but on most occasions, they yielded to God.  In the texts when Jesus calls the men to leave fishing nets, families, jobs, or careers, they respond obediently.  There may have been a moment or two of anxiety, but that did not prevent them from following the Master.

In our culture, my humble opinion, we place too much emphasis on comfort for the individual.  We ask wrong questions…will this make me more uncomfortable?  How much discomfort will this choice make?  How much discomfort can we endure before quitting?  Our starting point is wrong: focus on self.  So naturally the outcome will be fractured.

We should start with God.  Honoring, obeying, glorifying, and exalting His Name.  Next the questions should reflect that…how can this bring glory to God?  How can we exalt Christ through this challenge?  The starting point is correct and thus it will lead to a better conclusion.

Mary as a pirate at Krispy Kreme

Speaking of choices…my princess knows how to work the system.  When she is good and behaving appropriately, she knows to ask for items.  It’s more of a challenge to say “no” to a well behaved child than it is to a misbehaving child.  She struck gold at Busch Gardens recently when we had a weekend get-a-way.

Mary at Yankee Candle Outlet
She is loving the "fake" snow AND seeing Mr. Clause!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Laughter Brings More Laughter

From time to time, I often encounter moments of laughter with thanks from my friends and family members.  As is my custom, I laugh out loud.  Laughter has played a HUGE role in my life.  Laughter is my outlet for frustration, anger, disappointment, success, happiness, and joy.  Thanks to my family, I’ve had many occasions for laughter.  Usually at my own expense, but still laughter.

I love to laugh.  No matter if it’s a story, cartoon, movie, sitcom, or conversation.  Laughter is wonderful.  I love the subtle humor found in movies like:

O Brother Where Art Thou? “What a coincidence, me and Pete just got saved!”
The Outlaw Josie Wales “I ain’t yer Pa!” (I know some of you bewildered, but I LOVE this movie)
Pink Panther (original movies) - all the lines spoken with a terrible accent that most have a difficult time understanding.  Gold.
Home Alone - all scenes after they arrive to break into the house.
Support Your Local Sherriff - this is a classic.  Love it!

Just to name a few, but they all evoke a great memory.  My mom played a great role in helping to define laughter.  She would laugh at the cartoons we watched, regardless if she had seen it once or a thousand times.  She introduced my daughter to Tom and Jerry and still laughed at the appropriate times.  As do I.

Even in the darkest of times, she displayed a sense of humor that brought laughter.  My, how I miss hearing that laugh, but I’ve got it recorded in my brain so I can hear it along with my own.  It’s hard to believe that one year has come and gone since she graduated to God’s kingdom, but my grief is replaced with hope.  My sorrow is replaced with joy knowing that I’m headed to where she is now.  One day, I shall step into the chilly waters of the Jordan River, and see my Savior and Redeemer.  Then I shall see my family.  Hear laughter.  Share hugs.  That, will be a grand reunion…until then, take care.

First pic: Nancy and Dean sharing hug and laugh
Second pic: Nana and Mary getting ready to go
Third pic: Lisa and Mary self pic
Fourth pic: Nana and Mary "silly faces"

Thursday, August 23, 2012


There are times that I often feel so inadequate.  I feel like a failure as a husband, father, minister, and friend.  Feel.  Ah, there is the explanation: emotions.  Our human emotions cannot rule our hearts and lives.  They are fleeting.  They are incomplete.  They are troublesome.

Remember as a teenager, when we would say, “I love you, forever and ever!”  Then the next week, month, or year, we have moved on to someone else and expressed the same sentiment.  Emotions.  I heard the story of a young couple talking about life during the first year of marriage.  The young man asked, “Would you love me if I cheated on you?”  His new bride replied, “Yes.”  He then asked, “Would you love me if I lost my job?”  “Yes,” she replied.  “One more question,” he asked, “what if I was in a terrible accident and could not walk again, would you still love me?”  She smiled at him, and spoke with great compassion, “I will love you always and forever, because of my obedience to God, not because of your abilities or inabilities.”

She has learned that emotions cannot be trusted, but obedience will always trump emotions.

Don’t let the world sway you; choose obedience to God in seeing you through those terrible days that always leave you questioning your faith or existence.  In the big picture, God is with you desiring to move you out of your comfort zone to strengthen your faith and bring glory to Christ.  Yet, you still have to make the choice to allow God to do that in your life.  Trust me, I’ve constantly experienced the pitfalls of emotions, and the only remedy is obey and trust God.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Carpool. 5 year old. Passion.

This can be dangerous, but I’ve been thinking a lot lately.  Why does carpool take so long?  Why does a 5 year old possess so much power to make or break your day?  Why does free speech bring out passion in folk?  Why do we (and I mean we) neglect God’s Word so much?  Why are we so prone to make poor choices?  Not that I have any answers to these questions, but it’s worth pondering.

There are many things in life that can stir the passion in me, just to name a few: un-sportsmanship behavior, greed, selfishness, ignorance, and disrespect.  However, how about we look at our spiritual well being?  How do we measure our selves in respect to God’s Word and His desire for us to develop and mature in our walk of faith? 

Sadly, too often we have developed a “good enough” posture in the church.  (Let’s donate this to the church since we bought a new one…its good enough for the church.) 

We only want “just enough” of Christ to save us, but not to change us.  (Easy pastor.  I’m not going to serve in the church.  I just want to come once a week and throw a few dollars in the plate, hear some music, preaching, and then go home.  No commitment and no more time.)

No where in scripture do we find such thinking, so then where do we find this?

We have allowed Satan to quiet our passion in following God.  We’ve bought into an entitlement of our spiritual journey.  Looks similar to this:
                        I deserve this because____________.
                        I should be recognized because ____________.
                        I earned this because ___________.

The passion to follow God is not paved with emphasis on “I.”  Rather, it’s paved with self-less attitudes and behavior that bring glory and honor to Him and Him alone.

Just thinking a loud.  Hopefully, you too are now thinking. 

Carpool.  5 year old.  Passion.


Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Men Of Conviction

Where are the men of conviction?  Where are the women of principle?  Too often in our culture, people are accustomed to lurking in the shadows passing judgements without investing personally.  This ought not to be.  We need people to take the point and lead.  I'm reminded of my childhood.  I grew up in Logan, WV and my backyard was Chief Logan State Park. 

We lived close to the entrance, as did many others, and we spent many hours walking the trails all through the park.  Since most trails were narrow, it was necessary for someone to take the point.  The point man would look carefully for spider webs and spiders as well as snakes.  Rattle snakes were not an issue, since they would make that specific noise, but alas the copper heads...a different story all together.  Thankfully, none of our group were ever bitten, but we had plenty of spider encounters where one of us would walk right through a large web...with the spider centered perfectly in the middle.  Yuck!  Still hate the thought of that.  Hence, the point man was responsible for taking care of others and looking out for every one's well being.  If one person became sick or injured, then we all had to safely return home for care.  Not much fun in going back home, so we all had to look out for one another.

So, are you looking out for someone?  Are you a point man for others?  Stop lurking in the shadows.  Get to the front and make a difference.  I once saw a poster that read: "He who never goes into battle, never will win."  Get out there and make a difference in the life of someone.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Yet another first...

Yesterday was a HUGE day for the Lee family.  Mary started kindergarten at Willow Springs Elementary School.  Wow, where did the time go?  How did we get here so quickly?  It seems that the other day I was holding her for the first time, and now she is waving good bye as she talks with her teacher Mrs. Alala.

I had my moment of tears a few weeks ago when she had her last chapel service, so this time it was for Lisa to have a tear filled moment.  Over all, it was a wonderful day!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Amazing Wonders Aviation

A few weeks ago, we celebrated a great week at Pleasant Grove with Vacation Bible School.  It was a fabulous time with terrific decorations that depicted a wonderful world that God created, plus we were able to travel to see them through imagination (remember "Sponge Bob" saying "imagination" while using his hands???).  The children has a grand time too while playing with friends during recreation, getting crafty, singing, exploring mission stories, and learning about God and His great love exhibited through Jesus Christ.

Absolutely, positively a wonderful week!

Many thanks to the people who worked tirelessly to ensure this would be a successful week.  Those who deorated, delivered snacks, nursery duty, teachers, craft leaders, sound technicians, recreation, and general flunkies.  Because of the sacrificial work, children heard the Gospel where seeds were planted and watered, and hopefully one day we will see the harvest.  However, we were faithful to God in doing our part.  Thank you!  Not many churches were able to hold a VBS because it's time consuming and requires many workers, but thank you for taking the challenge and exceeding it.

On another note, the children collected an offering each night to assist with the Appalachian Regional Ministries to help with school supplies.  We were able to collect over $1156.  Wow!!  Double WOW!!  Mucho gracias to all the families who participated and gave that week.  Indeed, a great week where God was honored through teaching His Word.  Thanks to you all!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I have always desired for Mary to take after Lisa in all ways, except for one...I wanted Mary to have my sense of humor.*  Well, further proof arrived yesterday this week.  While driving out of our subdivision, I spotted a large rabbit while feasting on the grass of vacant lot.  I then called to Mary's attention to look over at the bunny, only for her to not see it.  She then asked if it was a baby rabbit or a mommy rabbit or a daddy rabbit.  I told her it was fairly big, so it probably was a mommy or a daddy.  She proudly heralded that it was a daddy rabbit.  Then she waited for about 3 seconds...asked if that daddy bunny also had a large belly.

I nearly wrecked!  I had to laugh, it was too funny not to enjoy a hearty chuckle.  I had just been zinged by a 5 year old.  Not new, but usually we tag team against mom.  It was so funny that I immediately called Lisa to share in the moment.  I wonder how long she had been planning that zing.  Well played my angel, well played indeed.

As for the asterisk...I shared with the congregation about desiring Mary to take after my sense of humor, and one young 9 year old heard this.  He spoke to his mom, "Why?  Pastor Jack's not that funny."  And he was serious.  Dead serious.  Oh well, at least MOST of the congregation appreciates my sense of humor.  Guess he was assuring me to not quit my day time job.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Last week we encountered another milestone as Mary graduated from preschool.  Our time with Mother's Morning Out has been an amazing journey over the last three years.  We have celebrated sharing, playing politely, potty training, good manners, knowing numbers, reciting the pledge of allegiance, knowing letters, scripture memorization, and many, many more.  Sadly our time at MMO has come to an end, but we are not saying good bye, just merely farewell.  We are endebted to Carla (director), Beth (assistant), and Mary's teachers: Janice, Marjorie, Candy, and Vicki (plus all the other teachers).  Each of you have poured your love, wisdom, insight, knowledge, attention, and passion into Mary.  Each week brought laughter and smiles into her life that has helped develop her character and personality.  You are a blessing to the Lee family, and we will cheish you always.  Thank you for all that you do with children entrusted to your care.  It's a joy to know you and see you in action modeling Christ's love.  You are the best!
Mary at the mall...she did a back flip too!

Listening to tunes at Lifeway

We are now counting down the days to kindergarten at Willow Springs Elementary School and Mrs. Alala's class...starting July 11.  Yeah!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Do Over"

I remember from my child hood the long trusted policy of "do overs" echoing from ball fields and backyards.  Many a time we would call out, "do over" after a failed attempt, but hardly did anyone chide the response.  In fact, most (if not all) everyone would concede to the request of getting another try.  Now in my adult life, we still evoke that same request, though now we call them mulligans. 

Mary has started to display an interest in sports (much to my delight) and now she loves to take a small bat and ball in the backyard to play with her old man.  I'm loving this.  Even when she throws the ball far away from me, I'm reliving a great memory of playing catch with my old man.  Good memories.  And yes, dad, I'm trying to teach her to make a good catch and make a good throw.  She will often cry out "do over" when something doesn't work according to her plan, and I'm quick to grant that request.

Typically, I need mulligans on a daily basis.  Since I'm charged with an awesome responsibility (and loving it) to speak into lives the redemptive love of Christ, I make many mistakes.  Many.  Did I say many?  I mean many.  In fact, I often ask for a mulligan on that shot, and calmly drop another ball.  In my feeble attempt at playing golf, I always (and I mean always) carry at least three golf balls in my pockets, since I play golf, hunt, and fish at the same time.  Hunt for lost balls in the woods and fish them out of the water...while actually playing golf.  There are many times that I need mulligans in my speech, actions, facial expressions, or internal prejudices.

It is quite difficult to represent Christ in a challenging culture without requiring a mulligan.  Yet, Christ really does want us imperfect human beings to speak into the lives around us.  My neighbors see the best and worst in me.  They see my good days and my bad days.  They see me dressed in coat and tie, and they see me in shorts and t-shirt ready to be tossed into the dumpster.  They see me laugh, and they see me ready to explode in anger over a delightful 5 year old.  They see it all.  That is why I need mulligans in life, so they can see I'm not perfect, just forgiven, and God desires to offer hope to all who will seek Him.

The next time you make a mistake, just remember that God allows mulligans...ask Him.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Remembering You

Well, I knew it was coming, so no surprise there, but it stings.  This is my first Mother's Day without mom this side of heaven.  I'm normally good at suppressing emotions (at least in public), but this time not so easy.  It started earlier this week with seeing commercials about this celebration, then at prayer time with Mary, and finally today with Mary's kindergarten orientation.  Mom would have been the first to receive an anxious phone call describing the days activities from an overly excited 5 year old.  However, we still have our conversations with Nana, just not the same though since we cannot hear the sound of her voice as she too sounded excited and asked lots of questions.  That is probably what I miss most...her voice.  From laughter to advice to preaching to praying...her voice made huge impressions on my life.  So mom, Happy Mother's Day as you continue to enjoy your rewards in heaven through listening and telling stories.  We love you and think of you each day.
enjoying some laughs this past summer at Dollywood

Since mom loved to laugh...I call this one "family reunion"

Thursday, May 3, 2012

No More Grey

Alas it has come to this...grey hair.  I'm not opposed to grey hair, since it is hair, but I don't wish to be called "Grampa" when spending time with Mary in a public setting.  That is one main reason that I visited Samara (my hair stylist) last week.  She introduced me to coloring that in effect "washed away the grey" and left only a color befitting a 46 year old man.
This is the after picture while we enjoyed some ice cream at Sunni Skies in Angier, NC.  A great place for celebrating ice cream.

I know some have laughed about my reaction to grey hair, but I don't care...I'm much too young for that.  Perhaps when I reach 70+, then I will embrace that look, but until then...coloring is my newest friend.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The Grey Is In

Recently the Lee family went to Porter Farms to pick strawberry's, and my picture was taken from a side angle.  Man, was I in for shock!  I'm keenly aware of the weight issue, but not the other.

Normally, I see my reflection minus the side view of grey.  What happened????  Look at that grey hair!  I know, at least I still have some hair, but grey?!?!  Needless to say I was not too happy about this.  After all, I'm only 46 years young, but looking more like an aging saint headed to a convalescent home.  People are probably thinking that Mary is hanging out her grandfather.  Something must be done.  Hopefully I will soon visit my hairstylist (Samara) to take corrective action against that dreaded foe: "hairest greyest" (Latin for grey hair).  I seem to recall that other family members have also encountered this situation, but no names mentioned here...yet!  (Trying to be nice...)

When I asked Lisa about this unusual sight, she responded, "I still love you."  (Though with a very large smile etched across her lovely face.)  She had quietly observed the greying over some time, and still chose to love me despite the no hair to grey hair.  She is the love of my life! 

I still have my sense of humor, despite being told by a 10 year old boy in church that I was boring, and here is an example of that.  Enjoy!  The next post will show a before and after pic.  Take care...

Gotta love Leslie Nielson and all those flicks from Police Squad.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


This week I was preparing to do chapel for our preschoolers, and stumbled across an object lesson on forgiveness.  Make a fist, now let it go.  Repeat.  Think about the things that we hold on to: hurt feelings, confusion, rejection, being neglected or overlooked, etc.  However, God teaches us to let those go.  (Releasing of fist.)  When we hold on to those things, we don't have room to receive the things that God has for us.  Our hands are full and fists are clinched.  When we let them go, we have hands outstretched ready to receive blessings from Him.

Obviously this lesson was more for the adults (me included) than for the preschoolers, so we need to do a check-up.  Are we withholding forgiveness from someone?  Are we holding a grudge?  Are we communicating our thoughts and emotions?  Are we confessing our sins to God?  Do we recognize that we also disappoint others?

If we don't forgive, we only hurt ourselves.  Often times, the other person doesn't know we have been offended, and when it's made known there is reconciliation.  Just remember, forgive as Christ has forgiven.  Since I'm a follower of Christ, then I must imitate His actions.  Christ forgave, so then I too must forgive.

Check out Mark 11:24-26; Luke 11:4; Psalm 51:10

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Matters of Importance

Too often in our lives, we focus on the minors and major on the minors.  What really matters most in life is ignored, and precious time and resources are spent on trivial issues.  I have discovered that God's Word is trustworthy and reliant.  God has declared to us His matters of importance, and somehow we have watered them down through time and opinions to suit our comfort levels.  First off, eternity matters.  We are only on this planet for a small amount of time, but we will spend eternity in heaven or hell.  Preparation should take a place of emphasis in our lives.  The question, "Are you prepared to step into eternity?"  Should remind us of the frailty of life, and the need to focus on matters of eternity.  Have you or your loved ones made that all important decision to trust Christ as Savior?

The second issue deals with family.  Family is an institution ordained by God and should be held in the highest regard.  Basically, spend time with your family.  A child will spell love as T-I-M-E.  So spend your time wisely upon the people in your life.  In this culture, especially, shower time on your loved ones.  Make them feel special through time spent together.  My little princess loves puzzles.  I mean she LOVES puzzles.  They are NOT my thing.  I don't care for them at all.  However, I still do puzzles with my princess, because she wants to do them.  It's our time together.  Hopefully one day, she will want to play a sport or attend a ballgame as "our time together."  Regardless, I will spend time with her making memories.  Hopefully, when the time comes, she will remember this and place me in a quality nursing home, or maybe even live in her basement ("King of Queen's" style).

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

More fun with Mary

Mary and I LOVE Disney cartoons, well ANY cartoon actually.  Our morning ritual includes some time watching "Phineas and Ferb" while laughing at the antics of the creators of this most amusing cartoon.  We also enjoy Looney Tunes, Olivia, Tom and Jerry, and Pink Panther.  I'm glad she is old school in selecting her makes my day!  Here are two of our favs...enjoy!

"Squirrels In My Pants" from Phineas and Ferb

"Disney Mombo #5" performed by Lou Bega

The lesson here is to enjoy life.  Make the most of what is presented.  Recently, Mary and I ventured out to the grocery store to take advantage of triple coupons at Harris Teeter.  My couponing did not go as I had planned, but we still had fun.  Mary pushed the cart and helped me select the items from the list, while she danced and sang in the aisles.  All with a smile!  Of course she did ask, "Can I have this Daddy?  I really need it!"  To which I replied, "No."  By the end of this shopping adventure, she asked, "Why do you keep saying no to me?"  My answer, "Because I can."  She did not smile that time, but we managed a laugh later as we both pushed out cart to the car.  A good time.  A great memory.  Make the most of your time...laugh, love, and live.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Recently at church we held a baptism service for eight children.  That's right eight!  It was an amazingly awesome time to watch the faces of those children come out of the water.  Each one had a glow of excitement on his/her face.  Absolutely precious.

This time we did something a little different for the candidates.  Each child wrote a small paragraph about why the were being baptized.  Then a family member or friend read it prior to the baptism.  Confession: that was a huge moment for hear the testimony of how Christ has come into their lives AND the need to share it publicly through baptism.  Goose bumps now just thinking about it.  What a tremendous blessing for all to see.

I wanted to publicly express my thanks for the families.  Each child had previously talked to mom and dad about the need to trust Christ and prayed with mom and dad to accept Christ as his/her personal Lord and Savior.  No doubt that those parents are expressing their faith at shows. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Upward Basketball is a huge ministry here at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.  It is a great time geared for children who want to play basketball or cheer without the highly tense moments of competitive behavior often found in local athletic associations.  The two fold approach is to compete athletically AND teach about Christ.  This is my fourth year coaching, and I love it.  This year our league director called to ask if I would be willing to coach a girls team (grades 1-3).  Now normally I coach boys from kindergarten through 3rd grade, but how can I say no to Daniel? 

So......this was my first year coaching girls, and I have had an amazing time.  The way that they act little princesses is fabulous.  They talk, laugh, cheer, and hug...during the game!  I love it!  They pass the ball and encourage each other all the time.  Truly this has been a great year.  Thank you girls for a great season.  Parents thank you for choosing us to teach your girls about basketball, but more importantly about Christ.  Hope to see you next year!

Monday, February 20, 2012

The Puzzler

I've already confessed that I'm NOT the sharpest knife in the drawer, never have been, never will be.  However, God has placed into my care a delightful and artistic little princess, and she loves puzzles.  Check that: LOVES puzzles.  I do not.  Yet, since I love my daughter, I will continue to sit with her and do puzzles together.  I struggle with 12 piece puzzles, yet alone more complicated ones, but when she came into possession of a 50 piece puzzle (thanks to my wife), I looked for excuses to avoid this past time hobby.  She finally corralled me into joining her over the weekend.

 That sweet face is hard to deny when making a request.

So we worked and worked and worked on it, while also watching "Tinker Bell: The Great Fairy Rescue."  By the way, a good flick even for adult standards.  Those pieces are so small and the image is different from the actual completed puzzle (thank you puzzle maker!).  After several attempts, we finally completed it.  I must say she finished the puzzle by adding the last four pieces all in the center section.  Very proud of her creativity and artistic personality.

The completed puzzle (notice the "Cars" emblem is on different corner from the box).

All of this was achieved after I had played basketball with some men in the church.  I did better in not over extending myself in running up and down a court.  It helped that we had more men (20) so we rotated every five minutes (hallelujah!).  We had another great time, looking forward to our next adventure in two weeks.

Last pic of Mary talking me into going to Dunkin Donuts before preschool.  Not that it takes much to convince me of going their coffee!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love that Goes the Distance

Since it's Valentine's Day and the nation is all a flutter with romantic ideas and conceptions of love, I wanted to take just a moment and share through my personal convictions.  I was raised in a home filled with love.  From grandparents, to parents, to aunts and uncles, to siblings, to cousins, to neighbors, to school teachers, to community leaders, to friends, to class mates, to church members...we all loved one another.  No it wasn't an idyllic community, it was a real community.  Bumps and bruises along the way, but there was love.  Even now I'm finding it hard to believe that I was raised in a special place and time that embraced love and loving others.  What was so special about this magical childhood?  I believe it was faith.  Even those who did not embrace Christ, still revered those who did.  There was a common understanding of boundaries defined by God through His teachings.

Often in today's culture, love is watered down to include all types of infatuations.  "I love chocolate!"  "I love clothes!"  "I love cars!"  "I love the beach!"  Are equalled to our love and devotion to God for His Son Jesus Christ.  This culture and moral relativism has crippled our nation and churches.  There is one standard: God.  He has given to us His Word, His Son, and His Holy Spirit to guide and direct us.  There are many paths in life, but only one will lead us to God.  No matter how hard you believe, you can be wrong.  Right is not based on hard belief, it's based on following God.  If God has told us something is wrong, then it's wrong.  In all situations, in all climates, in all cultures, in all's wrong.  Wrong for you and wrong for me.  We can easily be swayed by life experiences, but if it contradicts God and His teaching, then it's wrong.

Love from God is pure, holy, and available to all.  Have you made the choice to trust God with your life?  I hope you will take that leap of faith and trust Him with your whole being.  Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lessons from the Court

"Woe is me!"  Seriously, what was I thinking?  Sure I remember well from childhood days (even the teen years) of running up and down a basketball court with friends, but now I'm 45 years old and well over 200 pounds (no need in getting too personal with weight, unless you're my doctor).  Some church friends (loosely implied) get together twice a month to play some basketball, and I finally agreed to check it out and play some.  Not sure as to who would be there, but I had to take part since I've invited a few men (younger than me too) to come out and join the festivity (once again loosely implied).  After I walked into the Family Life Center, I knew my friend pain would be elated.  I was the second oldest of the 16 men there.  Not only that, but I'm also packing extra weight (hence, the need to exercise), and running up and down a court (why the need for full-court???  surely half-court is almost as exciting) for an hour is setting me up for a visit with Icy Hot products. 

Yet, here I go.  Mind you, I'm not that bright.  I could have ignored the plea to join in some recreational fun, or I could have feigned a muscle pull early into the game, or I could have just walked the entire time (which would have alienated team mates), but NOOOOOOO, I just had to put forth an effort.  Dig down deep.  Go the extra mile.  Hustle.  All those good words that I usually offer up to someone else, has now come back to me ten fold.  So I would run for 5 minutes and then rest for another 5 to 8 minutes (thankful for the free substitutions).  At the end of the time, not too shabby for an old man who has not done that for 20+ years.  Made one shot out of five attempts.  Two assists and five turnovers.  Fouled several times, but no one called it since their shot went in, and only fell down three times while retreating back for defense.  Again, why the need for full court???

There were no medical personnel to offer oxygen, but if they were here, I would have gladly taken them up on that.  My lungs were burning and screaming "Stop!"at my legs and brain.  Still it was a good time that brought laughter, and I'll probably do it again next time.  At this rate, it will only take me about two years to get in better physical conditioning, but just wait until then.  Look out I have a goal in mind.

The lesson here is to get involved.  No need to sit on the sidelines and watch.  Get out there and take part.  No different as a parent, you must be involved with your children.  No matter the hobby, subject, sport, or leisure time, get in there.  Get off the couch and be active.  How about your spiritual life?  Are you reading the Word of God?  Are you praying?  Are you sharing your faith?  Are you taking part in the local church?  You are needed.  Get active.  Get in the game.  Sure I'm tired and sore, but it's a good tired and good ache.  No more excuses, get in the game.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Flight of the Tiger Balloon

Last night at church, the children's music ministry kicked off the celebration for the "Jungle Safari" musical.  It was a great night with jungle decorations, themed wall decor, and tiger-print balloons.  Oh yeah, zebra too.  Sounds of laughter filled the Family Life Center as children talked, sang, and a few listened to what's in store for this year's musical.  It was also good to see the adults dressed as safari leaders, and a few with painted faces to help set the right tone.  Each child left with a balloon to help reinforce the lesson and theme.

After Mary and I made our way home WITH an animal print balloon, we were both walking up the stairs to the front door...when I noticed the balloon drifting off into the air (minus the weighty-object-thingy).  "Mary!" I exclaimed, "what are you doing?"  She smiled at me.  "I wanted to give it to Nana" she calmly said.  Then we both watched the balloon drift over the neighbor's house (shout out to Don and Tracy) and into the darkened skies ever so lovely.  With a tear in my eye, I watched my little girl smile widely as she whispered, "I love you Nana, and I miss you.  Bunches and bunches."

So last night at our Bible story time and prayer time, we talked about Nana receiving her gift from "princess Mary" and how excited she must have been to see the balloon and then showing it off to anyone willing to listen.  My, how I love the innocent imagination of children and how they are eager to express their thoughts.  Any thoughts.  Like when you walk down the aisle of the grocery story and she comments, "He has a funny look on his face.  Doesn't he daddy?"  Loud enough so those two aisles over are able to hear her.  (She gets that from her mother.  Hey, I'm writing this.  If she wants to challenge this, then she can write her own blog.)  Or when she is in big church and whispers (her whispers are heard all over the congregation) "Your breath smells like coffee."  Which it does, but no need to tell others.  Besides, coffee is good!

Yet, in my mind (and humble opinion) Mary has helped me with the process of grief.  I certainly do miss those conversations (even when I listened most of the time), her laugh, her sermons, her smile, and her encouragement.  My, how silent life has become, but we do have hope.  I'm reminded of that hope each time I touch a Bible.  Hear a Scripture verse read aloud.  See a picture of a family.  Taste a sweet dessert (especially red velvet cake...yum!).  Memories serve a great reminder: live life.  Don't wait for it to

My encouragement this week: go buy a balloon and let it soar into the sky.  Perhaps your imagination will take you to a place filled with pleasant and wonderful memories.  It sure did for me, Mary too!

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Last Saturday we celebrated my beautiful wife's birthday (I'm not telling her age, even though she is 6 weeks older than me), and per Lee household custom, the celebration will last at least one week.  When I announced to Mary that we were going shopping for mommy's birthday, she was totally excited.  In her mind, she started the details of how this was going to go down.  She wanted a birthday cake, actually she wanted to bake it at home, but we really did not have time for all that, so she settled for a Dairy Queen ice cream cake.  She announced to the DQ staff the occasion for the cake, and started to peer through the cases for the right one.  In my mind, I was looking for a small cake since there were only 3 of us going to eat this, but I was overruled by the midget.  She just HAD to have the 3 princesses on the cake, and they would only fit on the large cake.  See where this is going????  So after carefully negotiating, I chose to listen to Mary with her choice of this cake.  And Mary was right, Lisa LOVED having the cake decorated with Belle, Aurora, and Cinderella.  (Yes, I know my princesses, you would too after watching those movies a zillion times, but I loved every moment of it!)
It does look very nice, and Mary selected all the color scheme's.  Plus, we have ALL enjoyed eating this treasure throughout the week.  Wait, I believe there is still a little left in the freezer.  Note to self: check freezer after tonight's supper.

Mary also enjoyed shopping for presents.  We visited a jewelry story where Mary selected several pieces (within our budget) to brighten mommy's day.  Then we made our way to Hallmark to obtain a card (musical of course) to express love.  Mary chose a card with themed music from "Sleeping Beauty" that was a hit with mommy.  We were also to score two movies that Lisa loves: "Enchanted" and "Secretariat."  They are excellent flicks that are worthy of owning to view many times.

All in all, it was a great celebration.  Speaking of that, we will continue that tonight with more food, laughter, and movies.  This was a "post" celebration pic since we failed to light candles the first time.  As you can tell...the smiles were plenty.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

More Laughs...

The preacher's 5 year-old daughter noticed that her father always paused and bowed his head for a moment before starting his sermon. One day, she asked him why. "Well, Honey," he began, proud that his daughter was so observant of his messages. "I'm asking the Lord to help me preach a good sermon." She asked, "How come He doesn't answer it?"

A Rabbi said to a precocious six-year-old boy, "So your mother says your prayers for you each night? That's very commendable. What does she say?" The little boy replied, "Thank God he's in bed!"

These were some funnies passed along to me by a close friend, and I thought they were too good not to share.  It seems that in the Lee household laughter is heard most often...a close second is Lisa saying, "That is not funny!"  Aimed at Mary and me for our jokes on mommy.  BUT we do think they ARE funny.

I do hope that you will be able to exercise your smiling and laughter and giggles during the week.  Numerous studies have been done on the wondrous effects on those who laugh often, but it does bear repeating: laugh.  Laugh often and much.

Here is video for your enjoyment...take care!

Monday, January 9, 2012


Yep, it's that time of year...taking down all the Christmas decorations.  I love to get out the decorations for Christmas: the tree (artificial), lights, ornaments, nick knacks, but no tinsel.  (Tinsel has a way to "cling" onto other things in and around the house that seem to appear year round.  Therefore, no tinsel!)  We were able to take down most of our stuff last weekend, but we finally completed the task Saturday.  Everything was placed back into the attic where it will wait until the next adventure.  Granted, it's not near as much fun as getting it all out while listening to your favorite Christmas music selections, but it's necessary. 

I hope that you celebrated a wonderful Christmas time with family and friends, and are eager to achieving some goals for 2012.  One goal I would like to offer for you: read through Bible.  There are three plans to choose from that will help you.  Check out our church website or you can surf the web to find one just for you.  Remember the main goal: reading through the Bible to give clarity of God's message to you.

God desires to communicate with us, and the main message He has given is the Bible.  Carve out some time and read His Word.  I've never heard anyone say that it never helped, or it hurt them.  Rather, I've heard from several folk who learned from God an important lesson in life in how to live.  So it was a positive experience that is worth passing along to others to enjoy. 

So take my encouragement and read the Bible.  Get in touch with God so He can communicate with you about important issues.  You will be a better person for it, and that is always a good thing no matter what year it is.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Working and NOT Watching

This year I'm coaching young girls in Upward Basketball.  First time with 7 little princesses, but it has been a joy even though I was a little nervous at first.  The main obstacle, at least for me, is getting them to hustle to the ball and not just WATCH the ball.  Most are perfectly content to observe the action, but this is not necessarily a good thing in playing basketball.

A spiritual connection is that we often watch from the sidelines rather than becoming an active participant.  For some, attendance once a week is all they want, but God demands greater: participation.  We should be committed to a life of: prayer, worship, sharing faith, discipleship, and stewardship.  These are mandated in Scripture, and hence are not optional.

I was cruising some Christian news sites and came across this info about Salvation Army.  Check out this site about Joe the Turk.  It's a great read and very interesting character.  Hope you enjoy!