Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Last week we encountered another milestone as Mary graduated from preschool.  Our time with Mother's Morning Out has been an amazing journey over the last three years.  We have celebrated sharing, playing politely, potty training, good manners, knowing numbers, reciting the pledge of allegiance, knowing letters, scripture memorization, and many, many more.  Sadly our time at MMO has come to an end, but we are not saying good bye, just merely farewell.  We are endebted to Carla (director), Beth (assistant), and Mary's teachers: Janice, Marjorie, Candy, and Vicki (plus all the other teachers).  Each of you have poured your love, wisdom, insight, knowledge, attention, and passion into Mary.  Each week brought laughter and smiles into her life that has helped develop her character and personality.  You are a blessing to the Lee family, and we will cheish you always.  Thank you for all that you do with children entrusted to your care.  It's a joy to know you and see you in action modeling Christ's love.  You are the best!
Mary at the mall...she did a back flip too!

Listening to tunes at Lifeway

We are now counting down the days to kindergarten at Willow Springs Elementary School and Mrs. Alala's class...starting July 11.  Yeah!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

"Do Over"

I remember from my child hood the long trusted policy of "do overs" echoing from ball fields and backyards.  Many a time we would call out, "do over" after a failed attempt, but hardly did anyone chide the response.  In fact, most (if not all) everyone would concede to the request of getting another try.  Now in my adult life, we still evoke that same request, though now we call them mulligans. 

Mary has started to display an interest in sports (much to my delight) and now she loves to take a small bat and ball in the backyard to play with her old man.  I'm loving this.  Even when she throws the ball far away from me, I'm reliving a great memory of playing catch with my old man.  Good memories.  And yes, dad, I'm trying to teach her to make a good catch and make a good throw.  She will often cry out "do over" when something doesn't work according to her plan, and I'm quick to grant that request.

Typically, I need mulligans on a daily basis.  Since I'm charged with an awesome responsibility (and loving it) to speak into lives the redemptive love of Christ, I make many mistakes.  Many.  Did I say many?  I mean many.  In fact, I often ask for a mulligan on that shot, and calmly drop another ball.  In my feeble attempt at playing golf, I always (and I mean always) carry at least three golf balls in my pockets, since I play golf, hunt, and fish at the same time.  Hunt for lost balls in the woods and fish them out of the water...while actually playing golf.  There are many times that I need mulligans in my speech, actions, facial expressions, or internal prejudices.

It is quite difficult to represent Christ in a challenging culture without requiring a mulligan.  Yet, Christ really does want us imperfect human beings to speak into the lives around us.  My neighbors see the best and worst in me.  They see my good days and my bad days.  They see me dressed in coat and tie, and they see me in shorts and t-shirt ready to be tossed into the dumpster.  They see me laugh, and they see me ready to explode in anger over a delightful 5 year old.  They see it all.  That is why I need mulligans in life, so they can see I'm not perfect, just forgiven, and God desires to offer hope to all who will seek Him.

The next time you make a mistake, just remember that God allows mulligans...ask Him.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Remembering You

Well, I knew it was coming, so no surprise there, but it stings.  This is my first Mother's Day without mom this side of heaven.  I'm normally good at suppressing emotions (at least in public), but this time not so easy.  It started earlier this week with seeing commercials about this celebration, then at prayer time with Mary, and finally today with Mary's kindergarten orientation.  Mom would have been the first to receive an anxious phone call describing the days activities from an overly excited 5 year old.  However, we still have our conversations with Nana, just not the same though since we cannot hear the sound of her voice as she too sounded excited and asked lots of questions.  That is probably what I miss most...her voice.  From laughter to advice to preaching to praying...her voice made huge impressions on my life.  So mom, Happy Mother's Day as you continue to enjoy your rewards in heaven through listening and telling stories.  We love you and think of you each day.
enjoying some laughs this past summer at Dollywood

Since mom loved to laugh...I call this one "family reunion"

Thursday, May 3, 2012

No More Grey

Alas it has come to this...grey hair.  I'm not opposed to grey hair, since it is hair, but I don't wish to be called "Grampa" when spending time with Mary in a public setting.  That is one main reason that I visited Samara (my hair stylist) last week.  She introduced me to coloring that in effect "washed away the grey" and left only a color befitting a 46 year old man.
This is the after picture while we enjoyed some ice cream at Sunni Skies in Angier, NC.  A great place for celebrating ice cream.

I know some have laughed about my reaction to grey hair, but I don't care...I'm much too young for that.  Perhaps when I reach 70+, then I will embrace that look, but until then...coloring is my newest friend.