Absolutely, positively a wonderful week!
Many thanks to the people who worked tirelessly to ensure this would be a successful week. Those who deorated, delivered snacks, nursery duty, teachers, craft leaders, sound technicians, recreation, and general flunkies. Because of the sacrificial work, children heard the Gospel where seeds were planted and watered, and hopefully one day we will see the harvest. However, we were faithful to God in doing our part. Thank you! Not many churches were able to hold a VBS because it's time consuming and requires many workers, but thank you for taking the challenge and exceeding it.
On another note, the children collected an offering each night to assist with the Appalachian Regional Ministries to help with school supplies. We were able to collect over $1156. Wow!! Double WOW!! Mucho gracias to all the families who participated and gave that week. Indeed, a great week where God was honored through teaching His Word. Thanks to you all!