Thursday, August 23, 2012


There are times that I often feel so inadequate.  I feel like a failure as a husband, father, minister, and friend.  Feel.  Ah, there is the explanation: emotions.  Our human emotions cannot rule our hearts and lives.  They are fleeting.  They are incomplete.  They are troublesome.

Remember as a teenager, when we would say, “I love you, forever and ever!”  Then the next week, month, or year, we have moved on to someone else and expressed the same sentiment.  Emotions.  I heard the story of a young couple talking about life during the first year of marriage.  The young man asked, “Would you love me if I cheated on you?”  His new bride replied, “Yes.”  He then asked, “Would you love me if I lost my job?”  “Yes,” she replied.  “One more question,” he asked, “what if I was in a terrible accident and could not walk again, would you still love me?”  She smiled at him, and spoke with great compassion, “I will love you always and forever, because of my obedience to God, not because of your abilities or inabilities.”

She has learned that emotions cannot be trusted, but obedience will always trump emotions.

Don’t let the world sway you; choose obedience to God in seeing you through those terrible days that always leave you questioning your faith or existence.  In the big picture, God is with you desiring to move you out of your comfort zone to strengthen your faith and bring glory to Christ.  Yet, you still have to make the choice to allow God to do that in your life.  Trust me, I’ve constantly experienced the pitfalls of emotions, and the only remedy is obey and trust God.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Carpool. 5 year old. Passion.

This can be dangerous, but I’ve been thinking a lot lately.  Why does carpool take so long?  Why does a 5 year old possess so much power to make or break your day?  Why does free speech bring out passion in folk?  Why do we (and I mean we) neglect God’s Word so much?  Why are we so prone to make poor choices?  Not that I have any answers to these questions, but it’s worth pondering.

There are many things in life that can stir the passion in me, just to name a few: un-sportsmanship behavior, greed, selfishness, ignorance, and disrespect.  However, how about we look at our spiritual well being?  How do we measure our selves in respect to God’s Word and His desire for us to develop and mature in our walk of faith? 

Sadly, too often we have developed a “good enough” posture in the church.  (Let’s donate this to the church since we bought a new one…its good enough for the church.) 

We only want “just enough” of Christ to save us, but not to change us.  (Easy pastor.  I’m not going to serve in the church.  I just want to come once a week and throw a few dollars in the plate, hear some music, preaching, and then go home.  No commitment and no more time.)

No where in scripture do we find such thinking, so then where do we find this?

We have allowed Satan to quiet our passion in following God.  We’ve bought into an entitlement of our spiritual journey.  Looks similar to this:
                        I deserve this because____________.
                        I should be recognized because ____________.
                        I earned this because ___________.

The passion to follow God is not paved with emphasis on “I.”  Rather, it’s paved with self-less attitudes and behavior that bring glory and honor to Him and Him alone.

Just thinking a loud.  Hopefully, you too are now thinking. 

Carpool.  5 year old.  Passion.
