Monday, September 10, 2012

Laughter Brings More Laughter

From time to time, I often encounter moments of laughter with thanks from my friends and family members.  As is my custom, I laugh out loud.  Laughter has played a HUGE role in my life.  Laughter is my outlet for frustration, anger, disappointment, success, happiness, and joy.  Thanks to my family, I’ve had many occasions for laughter.  Usually at my own expense, but still laughter.

I love to laugh.  No matter if it’s a story, cartoon, movie, sitcom, or conversation.  Laughter is wonderful.  I love the subtle humor found in movies like:

O Brother Where Art Thou? “What a coincidence, me and Pete just got saved!”
The Outlaw Josie Wales “I ain’t yer Pa!” (I know some of you bewildered, but I LOVE this movie)
Pink Panther (original movies) - all the lines spoken with a terrible accent that most have a difficult time understanding.  Gold.
Home Alone - all scenes after they arrive to break into the house.
Support Your Local Sherriff - this is a classic.  Love it!

Just to name a few, but they all evoke a great memory.  My mom played a great role in helping to define laughter.  She would laugh at the cartoons we watched, regardless if she had seen it once or a thousand times.  She introduced my daughter to Tom and Jerry and still laughed at the appropriate times.  As do I.

Even in the darkest of times, she displayed a sense of humor that brought laughter.  My, how I miss hearing that laugh, but I’ve got it recorded in my brain so I can hear it along with my own.  It’s hard to believe that one year has come and gone since she graduated to God’s kingdom, but my grief is replaced with hope.  My sorrow is replaced with joy knowing that I’m headed to where she is now.  One day, I shall step into the chilly waters of the Jordan River, and see my Savior and Redeemer.  Then I shall see my family.  Hear laughter.  Share hugs.  That, will be a grand reunion…until then, take care.

First pic: Nancy and Dean sharing hug and laugh
Second pic: Nana and Mary getting ready to go
Third pic: Lisa and Mary self pic
Fourth pic: Nana and Mary "silly faces"