Last night I attended the Concert of Prayer for Wake County . The ground work for this event started over a year ago with monthly prayer gatherings. Don Rayno was instrumental in being used by God to bring this together. He met with many pastor prayer groups to bring unity. The last one was conducted was almost 16 years ago, and this has topped all expectations.
When we gathered last night in the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium, there was a sense of anticipation in what God would accomplish. Almost 2000 people were present, and over 92 churches were represented. Across denominational lines. Across racial lines. Across political lines. Across socio-economic lines. The people of God gathered for the express purpose to seek God in moving in the church and through the church.
The first 30 minutes we worshiped God through music. Hearing all those voices sing praises to God helped me catch a glimpse of what heaven would be like. Then several ministers led us in prayer with a focus on oneness in the church, and confession of: pride, arrogance, prayerlessness, lack of first love, not trusting and leaning on God, selfishness, critical spirit, lack of love for the unchurched, worldliness in the church, reproach on Christ, and the need for spiritual awakening.
Then we gathered in prayer huddles in the auditorium to repeat those prayers on a more personal level.
More worship music helped us segue into the second prayer emphasis…God moving through the church. Prayers offered to God for the church to: go and make disciples; reach our neighbors; reach our youth; reach our schools/education; reach our regions marketplace; reach our urban/inner city; reach our poor, needy, homeless; reach our local government; reach those in jails/prisons; reach our state/nation; reach the nations of the world; reach the unreached peoples. Then once more we gathered in prayer huddles to repeat those prayers.
Near the end, Don gathered us for a 30 second silent prayer that sent chills through me. With all those people, there was complete silence. Amazing.
A wonderful time of prayer, worship, and fellowship. I am certainly looking forward to God answering these prayers in a way that only He can. To God be the glory!!
View from our seats