Wednesday, November 7, 2012


I believe that God is always teaching us to be “bucket fillers” in life.  Givers and not takers.  This lesson is learned at an early age and then repeated throughout his or her lifetime.  Are you a giver?  Do you seek to use others for your benefit?  Are you concerned with the bottom line?

The following link is for the story of Hattie May Wiatt and her 57 cents that helped build much needed space for Sunday School for a church outside Philadelphia, PA.

Obviously she was a giver.  She sought to give others a chance to hear about Christ and learn more about God.  We often over look small gifts, but when this is placed in the context of 1886, her small gift represent one of great sacrifice.

Whenever a penny came into her possession, she was tempted like most children, to spend it on candy or a small toy.  She could have easily misplaced it.  She could have shared it with someone else.  However, she had a purpose in mind: to help others learn about God.  She saved her precious pennies to make an impact in this world.  Because of her sacrifice, many children came to hear, learn, and know about God’s love expressed through Christ.

May we too learn about such sacrificial giving in 2012 in hopes of being bucket fillers in a world obsessed with taking.  May Christ be glorified in our giving.