Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Yes, I am severely incompetent in handling the different nuances of technology…especially when things go wrong.  I can make my way around certain programs, but as far as knowing “why” things work or don’t work, or  “how” to make things work correctly…I am not even close to understanding the myriad maze of technology.  Hence, God has given me bestest person to handle this: my loving and beautiful wife. 

So recently my computer at work is having issues, and the CD ROM drive decided to retire with no notice mind you.  Not a big deal, so I thought, and then I started the process of notifying the proper folk so someone can fix it.  The bottom line, I went to Staples (as instructed) to purchase an external CD/DVD drive.  Mind you, I had to ask the young man the EXACT name of the product to ask for at Staples, and he willingly helped me.  Then I asked him about installing said piece of equipment…pause…“it should start right up when plugged in.”  Hence the operative word is “should” not that it will or did.  It should work.

So after carefully reading the instructions (that is what I do when I have no idea what I am doing) I did what they said.  Nothing happened.  Then I proceeded to read further along…in the “Troubleshooting” section.  When I come to that section, I have the same feeling come over me as I did in my first class on philosophy at seminary: scared.  So after following the instructions carefully, very carefully, I noticed a hum from the device.  Is that a good hum or a bad hum?  Soon, the computer screen showed some good messages: loading software, reboot computer in order to make device operative.  A smile broke out on my face, but not too soon, there had to be a test.  Once the computer came back up, I placed a CD into the device, and a few whirring sounds, tada!  Eureka!  It works!  I am now back in business.

Even when you feel overwhelmed with something, take a deep breath and look at your choices, think carefully and clearly before you make a rash decision.  This is applicable to all areas of your life.  Read the directions.  Understand the directions.  Follow the directions.  In spiritual terms: read the Bible.  Understand the Bible.  Follow the Bible.  You too will see success in life in following simple and basic instructions.


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