Wednesday, July 31, 2013

A Grand Visit

Recently I was able to make a trek to Worthington, KY to visit my padre.  My visits seem to come every other year, but would prefer every year, alas scheduling is always difficult.  This visit did not disappoint.  The usual: dad speaking to me on the subjects of tomato raising, lawn care, music, pastoring, preaching, Bible study, and Bible trivia.  We did manage to watch one movie, but mostly we talked…well he talked, I listened.  Still it was a great visit that brought laughter and smiles.  A treat for me was to preach at church on Sunday morning at Wurtland Missionary Baptist Church.  Dad and Hazel are faithful members there, and it’s good to see them still actively serving in the church.

Even though Hazel was not her usual vibrant self, due to back pain, she was still a gracious hostess.  It’s always good to visit the ones you love.  Most thankful for the times we share through visits, phone calls, or emails.  Time spent wisely is always a good thing.  Since dad's health is declining, this visit was even more meaningful. 

Dad playing piano before church started.  Love to hear him play.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you had this time with your dad, all the time we can spend with our families is priceless!
