Wednesday, June 6, 2012


I have always desired for Mary to take after Lisa in all ways, except for one...I wanted Mary to have my sense of humor.*  Well, further proof arrived yesterday this week.  While driving out of our subdivision, I spotted a large rabbit while feasting on the grass of vacant lot.  I then called to Mary's attention to look over at the bunny, only for her to not see it.  She then asked if it was a baby rabbit or a mommy rabbit or a daddy rabbit.  I told her it was fairly big, so it probably was a mommy or a daddy.  She proudly heralded that it was a daddy rabbit.  Then she waited for about 3 seconds...asked if that daddy bunny also had a large belly.

I nearly wrecked!  I had to laugh, it was too funny not to enjoy a hearty chuckle.  I had just been zinged by a 5 year old.  Not new, but usually we tag team against mom.  It was so funny that I immediately called Lisa to share in the moment.  I wonder how long she had been planning that zing.  Well played my angel, well played indeed.

As for the asterisk...I shared with the congregation about desiring Mary to take after my sense of humor, and one young 9 year old heard this.  He spoke to his mom, "Why?  Pastor Jack's not that funny."  And he was serious.  Dead serious.  Oh well, at least MOST of the congregation appreciates my sense of humor.  Guess he was assuring me to not quit my day time job.

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