Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Joyous Occasion

On behalf of the Lee family, I would like to extend to you a very, Merry Christmas and a wondrous New Year.  Please consider taking the challenge to read through the Bible in 2012.  You can find three reading options on the main page for Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, so find one that is to your liking and get ready to have fun reading the Word of God.  I will preach one sermon each month that coincides with the reading schedule to aid in your efforts.  By the way...for the first time in a very long time, I've already scheduled my sermons for 2012.  At least for the second worship service, hopefully next week I'll be able to tackle the early service schedule.  Hopefully. 

I trust that you had a great time with family and friends during this holy season.  Blessings to you all...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Busy Day

Yesterday (December 18) was an absolutely, fantastic, wonderful, AND busy day!  Our Christmas Choir presented the musical "Hope Is Born...Emmanuel" (created by Randy Vader and Jay Rouse) at the morning service (again at 5 p.m.), and it was by far the BEST I've heard from them.  Tremendously well presented and well done.  All components were clicking as they led us in worship (twice) that did not disappoint at any level.  A HUGE thank you to all involved.  Mucho hard work went into preparation, and it paid off huge dividends!

Our next family adventure involved a quick lunch then a birthday party.  Lilly turned 6 yesterday, and she celebrated with a party at the local bowling center.  FUN!  FUN!  FUN!  Seeing around 15 young children bowl was vastly entertaining.  Plus there are some future bowlers...several of them hit 100 or came very close.  After cake, ice cream, opening presents (we all get excited about opening presents...adults too), a few arcade-type games, it was time to go back home to change clothes (again) for the second service at church.  After the second service, we shared fellowship (code word for eating) that also involved great conversations and laughter until time to go yet another gathering.  We finally left the church at 7:30 to drive just down the road to Edie's house.  Every year she opens her home to friends, family, community, and church folk where we fellowship (eating) again.  This is always, and I mean ALWAYS a festive time where we meet/make new friends (see old ones too) and usually hearing laughter echoing through the rooms that provoke one to join. 

Mary was enjoying more this year since other children came and explored Edie's home and scared her precious cat.  This year the cat was smarter as she found a great hiding place to avoid many small hands trying to pet/hold her.  We finally left Edie's around 9 p.m. only to hear Mary exclaim "I'm hungry and thirsty!"  Seems she was more interested in playing than partaking of the goodies.  Then the other children still there also shared the same sentiment.  Thus two more families were helping make small plates of food/drink so we could exit Edie's home before the welcome wore out, but we were witnessing more people come in to see Edie and extol a Merry Christmas to all.

We finally made it home, very tired, but home.  Today should be a slower pace, but I'm sure Mary will find strength to join me in shopping for mommy.  That will be another story to share.  Blessings to all!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


It seems the longer I live the more I rely on memories.  This is a cause for concern since I'm plagued by the "male" gene of remembrance.  Sounds like this...
        "Honey, have you seen the remote control?"  (Her answer: right beside you.)
        "Lisa, where are the batteries?"  (Her answer: right where you left them.)
As you can tell, I'm not very good at remembering, but memories are VERY important in our life.  God uses our memories to remind us of His promises and His watchful eye.  God will point to the crossroads of our lives and show us how He protected us and showed us the right path to choose.  Memories also provide a frame point of time in telling significant times.  We often remember where we were at during the 9-11 attacks.  We often remember what we were doing on anniversary dates or birth dates.  Significant milestones related to careers, relationships, or events help shape and sharpen our memories.

I can recall childhood events with great clarity, but often fail to remember last nights supper.  For the record, I had the bestest childhood ever!  No, we did not possess lots of wealth or material goods, but we had lots of love and attention.  Never a dull moment since we had family and creativity.  One such memory is playing tennis with my brother, cousin, and aunt for what seemed like hours, and I was just a small child, but to be included in "chasing" tennis balls all over the court was a highlight.

However, now I must help create new memories for my wife and daughter.  It helps to be in the 21st century with the use of a camera,  but we still must be creative in making the most of a moment.  What will you plan this month in creating a memory?  Nothing is too big or too small, just go out and do it.

A recent pic of the family at Disney on Ice

Thursday, December 8, 2011


This past weekend we were able to celebrate the wedding of our favorite niece (mind you the only one too) Amy as she exchanged wedding vows with Aaron.  It was a great weekend with piles and piles of laughter and smiles.  A tender moment as they declared publicly their love and devotion for one another.  PLUS, our little princess was able to serve as flower girl.

Family is very important.  VERY important.  Make sure you able to spend time with family.  Many a time I've sat with individuals in the latter stages of life, and they began to survey their life.  Not one of them ever said, "I wish I'd spent more time at the office" or "I wish I'd done more for the business."  Rather, they have all wished for more time with family.

Why do we wait until the end to survey our lives?  Why not evaluate our lives now while we have time to make corrections?  That is my admonition to you this week.  Spend time with family.  Show them you care and love them (sounds like a good song...thank you Mr. James Taylor).

Here's a pic of Mary and Papaw