Monday, August 29, 2011


Last week I traveled back to my home town (Logan, WV) for a funeral service for my mom's brother (Uncle Jack).  Yes, I am named after him along with one of my dad's brother...also Jack.  I left home and headed for my dad's house (it was close enough to make this part of the trip since I never when I may get back there) to ride with him to the funeral home.  We enjoyed the ride and took part in the usual conversation...him talking and me listening.  I'm not much of a person to talk on the telephone, I prefer to communicate face to face, and I believe that dad does too.  We covered a wide array of topics: family, politics, religion, and favorite being family and sports.  I was able to see places where he worked (before my time on earth), and listen to tales of traveling BEFORE interstate roads were introduced to that part of the world.

In spite of the sad circumstance, I had a great time seeing family.  It has been two years since I visited back home, and I wanted to take advantage of speaking with and hugging the family.  Of course, Facebook is a great way to keep in touch with family and friends, and for many of my conversations, it revolved around current events since most of them know what is happening.  At the graveside, I was able to sneak away and take a glimpse of several grave sites of family members.  Not sad, just relieved that we have hope.  My hope resides in the work of Jesus Christ.  Through His death, burial, and resurrection, I have hope that death is defeated and the grave cannot hold me.  Based on the Scripture, I am bound for the promised land where my Lord and Savior waits for me.  Also, the loved ones who have preceded me, I will see them too!

Even though it was a tough trip, 930 miles in two days, it was well worth it.  I am elated to spend time with those that I cherish, and am most thankful for their presence in my life.  Their fingerprints are on my life since they have given to me, and I now pass those gifts along to others with the purpose of telling others about Jesus Christ.  Blessings...

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