Monday, January 9, 2012


Yep, it's that time of year...taking down all the Christmas decorations.  I love to get out the decorations for Christmas: the tree (artificial), lights, ornaments, nick knacks, but no tinsel.  (Tinsel has a way to "cling" onto other things in and around the house that seem to appear year round.  Therefore, no tinsel!)  We were able to take down most of our stuff last weekend, but we finally completed the task Saturday.  Everything was placed back into the attic where it will wait until the next adventure.  Granted, it's not near as much fun as getting it all out while listening to your favorite Christmas music selections, but it's necessary. 

I hope that you celebrated a wonderful Christmas time with family and friends, and are eager to achieving some goals for 2012.  One goal I would like to offer for you: read through Bible.  There are three plans to choose from that will help you.  Check out our church website or you can surf the web to find one just for you.  Remember the main goal: reading through the Bible to give clarity of God's message to you.

God desires to communicate with us, and the main message He has given is the Bible.  Carve out some time and read His Word.  I've never heard anyone say that it never helped, or it hurt them.  Rather, I've heard from several folk who learned from God an important lesson in life in how to live.  So it was a positive experience that is worth passing along to others to enjoy. 

So take my encouragement and read the Bible.  Get in touch with God so He can communicate with you about important issues.  You will be a better person for it, and that is always a good thing no matter what year it is.

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