Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I'm not a science guy.  I truly appreciate science, but as far as understanding all of the nuances and intricacies, I'm totally lost.  This past Saturday, Mary received an invitation to attend a birthday party at the NC Nature and Science Museum in downtown Raleigh.  It was my first trip there, so I was kinda excited to see all the sights and sounds.  After walking into the front door, all I could say, "Wow!"  Huge skeleton exhibits of all kinds of animals, a butterfly room where many of them would land on you, visual displays to foster imagination, and of course, live snakes BEHIND glass.  Just seeing a rather large rattlesnake behind glass still gives me the creeps.

At one point in the party, a worker brings out live animals to see up close and touch if you desired.  First was a bearded dragon lizard, creepy looking, but cool to see.  Then my heart dropped when she emerged with a small ball python wrapped around her arm.  I carefully located the nearest exit, just in case, but that would require my fast exit over the bodies of 12 young toddlers.  No sense in being a George Costanza here, so I buckled down and took one for the team.  I did touch the snake, but just lightly and for a few seconds (oh, OK just two seconds, but they were very long seconds).  Then a small alligator, that looked ready for his next meal, but she had a firm grip on him so the heart rate continued to decrease.  We stayed well after the party ended walking through the museum and touching many things.  All in all it was great afternoon, and we shall repeat especially during the winter season.

Shout out to my siblings: eldest sister who is a science teacher for high schoolers, and to my other sister who has her masters degree in nursing, and my brother is a nurse (he's a male nurse; funny if you have watched "Meet the Parents")...they all have the gift of knowing and understanding science, love to you all.

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