Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sharing Your Faith

Some people believe that sharing your faith is a daunting task that is reserved only for outgoing people not afraid of speaking in public.  They are wrong.  Very wrong.  It is very easy, and usually takes just a few minutes of time.  I have not engaged in a debate with someone over faith issues in years, but most would like to hear what you believe, and how they can get more information.  Hence the great addition to sharing your faith are handouts.  They come in various forms, shapes, sizes, and colors, but they are only profitable if they are handed out to others.  Some call them tracts, Bible studies, pamphlets, or brochures, but the bottom line is to share your faith.

The other night we were enjoying a nice dinner out and afterwards had some time to talk to our waiter Luke.  His plans are to enroll in the Air Force and leave in a few weeks.  I told him that I would pray for him during his training days, and he mentioned that he would be most appreciative.  This then led to a conversation about church, faith, and then Christ.  He was raised in church, and knew Christ as His Savior, but was still new to our area.  I quickly gave him a card about our church info and another website to aid him in his spiritual walk.  The conversation took place in less than 5 minutes.  Even if someone is not that receptive, most will take a card that points them to a website.  At least a seed is planted, and who knows what will happen at a later time.  Just remember to share your faith.  Share your story.

In the Scripture, we are commanded by God to do just that...share your faith.  It's not optional.
Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19-20; Romans 10:10-17; 1 Corinthians 9:22; Isaiah 6:8 ;  Romans 1:16; Acts 1:8; 2 Timothy 2:15; Romans 6:23; Matthew 9:37-38; Acts 2:38; 1 Corinthians 11:1-2; Isaiah 45:22; Acts 2:1-47; John 3:16-17

Key leaders over the years have said this about sharing your faith.
We should not ask, "What is wrong with the world?" for that diagnosis has already been given. Rather, we should ask, "What has happened to the salt and light?" - John R. W. Stott
We are all missionaries...Wherever we go, we either bring people nearer to Christ, or we repel them from Christ. - Eric Liddell
Whatever you do, wherever you live, if you belong to Jesus Christ, the call from heaven has come to you to the highest honour a human being can experience. The Son of God is spreading His love, His lifestyle, and His life-saving message across this planet and you know what? He has summoned you to join Him in His glorious Administration. Don't settle for anything less. - Ron Hutchcraft
A missionary is one who never gets used to the sound of heathen footsteps on their way to a Christless eternity. - Anonymous
When God doesn't want me to do something, I definitely know it. When he wants me to do something, even if it means going outside my comfort zone, I know that too. I feel pushed in the direction I need to go... I try to stand up for my faith at school... It can be discouraging, but it can also be rewarding... I will die for my God. I will die for my faith. It's the least I can do for Christ dying for me. - Cassie Rene Bernall
(A 17-year-old from Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, USA who died April 20, 1999)

Below is a funny look at evangelism, enjoy the video!

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